
A daily dose (and then some) of us

Week 6


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This week:

  • Four loaves of bread
  • Taught Relief Society
  • Had my hair done while studying for my lesson
  • One snow day (for everyone)
  • Lots of inches of snow
  • A trip to Topeka to the ENT for TB and LM
  • LM needs tubes
  • TB still has his tubes in *victory dance*
  • One home inspection
  • Repairs we can agree on
  • We think we’ve finally sold the house
  • We think we’ve found a new house
  • Hurry up and wait
  • Made 42 cupcakes
  • New glasses for LM
  • Baby shower. The quilt has met its intended owner
  • Lots of noses wiped
  • A cold is threatening
  • The walls are bare


  1. Wow what a week. Lovely cupcakes. Have you slept yet? Just asking.

  2. Love the pics! And LOVE your hair! lol.

  3. Cool! We have a Buzz fan too! (And an acquaintance who just named her new baby Buzz... but enough said about that!)
