
A daily dose (and then some) of us

Week 5

This week:
  • Celebrated with Kansas. 150 years.
  • Found THE cookbook to cook my way through
  • The house was looked at four times (over the weekend)
  • The Boy stole a toy from the store
  • The Boy returned said toy
  • Three snow days. In a row.
  • Didn’t leave the house for three days
  • Two days that David was home with us
  • Blizzard-like weather (I’m no weather man, but…)
  • Finally finished the baby quilt (and then the shower was postponed)
  • Make two loaves of banana bread, two loaves of oatmeal raisin bread, 7 (ish) dozen cookies, and spinach dip. All for a training at David’s work that ended up being canceled due to the fact that the post was closed for two days.
  • Made four loaves of wheat bread
  • Cooked my first recipe from THE cookbook
  • Ordered frames for LM
  • Finished my fifth Jane book

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