
A daily dose (and then some) of us

Week 4


This week:

  • Four loaves of bread (none for the dog, ha-ha!)
  • Made whole-wheat pancakes, just ok, in search for another recipe
  • Finished book three and four of Jane, now onto my fifth one
  • Made two doctors appointments
  • Took LM to try on glasses, waiting for new ones to be ordered. Can hardly wait
  • Painted a pinewood derby car (it was a joint effort)
  • Went to said derby
  • A full week of school, the first in a few weeks
  • Snow is almost melted
  • Took LM to the library for reading time
  • MT figured out how to work buttons and zipping up her coat by herself, so cool
  • LM figured out zippers too, not as cool


  1. What a week! I hope there are more pictures of the Derby. Love the matching hair!
