
A daily dose (and then some) of us

Week 8

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This week:

  • More pictures of the sweet baby
  • His dad kept him content and quiet with a blow dryer. True story.
  • Four days of school. Friday scheduled day off.
  • One day spent with LM throwing up
  • One night of no sleep
  • Another snow storm
  • TB ate 12 chicken nuggets at dinner one night
  • Two loaves of bread made
  • Two loads of throw up laundry (in addition to all the rest)
  • MT told me she wants to be a doctor, a fireman and a teacher when she grows up
  • She also promised she’d visit me
  • Made a cheesecake
  • Realized that not much happens with one two-year old down


  1. Shouldn't have read this while eating lunch........the throw up part makes me a little.......well you know!

  2. Love the baby pictures! Sorry about all the throw up.

  3. Wow, and I thought I was busy staying at home with three children! Your family is beautiful! =)
    Kristina J.
