
A daily dose (and then some) of us

Day 192


Sunday. We went to church, the Chardon Branch. We doubled their attendance. Then we visited the Kirkland temple. It is owned by the Community of Christ.



Afterwards we went to the Kirkland Visitors Center where we took a tour through a number of their buildings. Then they let us use some picnic tables to make and have dinner. A very interesting dinner prepared by the Teachers (14-15 yr old boys). We had almost raw spaghetti noodles with cold sauce. Such an experience. I wanted to feed the kids again when we got back to our campground that night but both David (the young men’s leader) and Jessica (the young women’s leader) said “no!” They’re in charge.

After dinner we went back to the Kirkland Temple for our own meeting. A number of people gave talks, sang and the youth were giving time to bear their testimony. Many of them did. It was such an amazing experience. I wished each of their mother’s could be there to catch the glimpses that I was.

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